About Harold Rhenisch



Resistance: A technique in which two starkly dissimilar images or fragments are juxtaposed without a clear connection. Students stuck within their Anglo Saxon bodies of blood and bone and thus not on the track for disembodiment, a weekend in Bruges and good Marx, often call it a Foucault.

Ockham’s Razor

Ockham’s Razor: The paradox in which all complex systems have a history, they evolve, and their past is co-responsible for their present behavior. Shortened over early military battlefield radio systems as AOK, or, when under fire, simply OK (The concept that all elements in a system are ignorant of the behaviour of the system as a whole and respond only to what is available locally. Also known as American poetry.)

Agency: A governmental body stitched together as a joint post-graduate project by Mary Shelley’s, Margaret Thatcher, and John le Carré, in which humans are turned into fictions and sent out into the world as agents simultaneously representing the reader and the language of the text; anyone attempting to create works in this genre should remember that no one, including all participants, report readers, handlers, and subjects, should know the goal of the narrative, except on a need-to-know-basis (An instructional strategy in the Creative Writing discipline, by which the mechanics of a Günther Grass novel are explicated in such a way as to be replicable. Example: It is about a fever by a person having a breakdown writing a report for a hostile bureaucrat who thinks the agent has gone culturally awry and [this is most important] presenting it as a fiction.)